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Pyramids in Cairo, temples in Athens. a shroud in Turin, a library in Ephesus and, yes, even a barber in Seville—they're all in Georgia if you know where to look. Take a trip around the world without leaving the Peach State in this unusual tour that is sometimes historic, sometimes informative, sometimes melancholy, sometimes satirical, sometimes absurd, but alsmost always humorous. Based on Homer's Odyssey (if but barely) yhis is an entertaining yet educational study of the Empire State of the South as we follow Odyfferus from hamlet to hamlet (not a reference to Shakespeare).


Harlan views the world from a unique perspective making connections which have never been made before, perhaps because they do not exist, but that's another matter altogether.


128 pages, full color, 6"x9", perfect bound and chock full of history presented in a fun way, the way history should be taught.

The Idiat and the Odd-yssey

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